07 December 2008

Atari Pong Fans Welcome Back Doreen

Though you can’t win a game of ping pong on Ping Pong TV, you can be apart of the resurrection of Pong’s Cowboy wife Doreen.

One of the website’s features allows the user to upload a profile picture, which is then converted into an ASCII rendering, which ultimately becomes one of the backdrops for the show. These unique profile images are assigned a Doreen ID number, so a viewer maybe able to search for a particular sequence from a previous episode online or identify their own game play that maybe used for an episode. The Doreen ID number is taken from a character of the first Atari Pong television commercial made in 1973, where a cowboy asks for his wife named Doreen to come home after she supposedly left the house to play the coin-operated arcade game Pong and never returned home. This minor detail is intended to pay tribute to the history of Pong, which Ping Pong TV is ultimately derived from. It also provides viewers the opportunity to identify with a character in the game, Doreen.

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